Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Breath, Body and World (2020)
This special breath-themed issue of the journal Body and Society explores breath as a neglected topic within body studies.
This special breath-themed issue of the journal Body and Society explores breath as a neglected topic within body studies.
Explore this unique version of the Catch Your Breath exhibition and its collections at the Royal College of Physicians, London.
First broadcast on Good Friday 2016, the Breath of Life radio programme featured our principle investigator Jane Macnaughton in conversation with Anna…
Kate Binnie, yoga teacher and music therapist, shares a memory of a hospice patient: Paula wakes early every day and…
Mike Emanuel, Research Associate at Oxford Brookes University, Department of History, Philosophy and Religion, writes: In the fifth century BC, Hippocrates, in ‘On…
Naya Tsentourou from the University of Exeter writes: In John Milton’s Paradise Lost prayer is defined as ‘one short sigh…
air anthropology anxiety art breath breathe Breathe Easy breathing breathing space breathless breathlessness Bristol British Lung Foundation catch your breath COPD critical medical humanities durham events exhibition family health history illness interdisciplinarity jayne wilton language Life of Breath literature london lungs medicine mental health mindfulness music phenomenology philosophy poetry rcp research royal college of physicians singing smoking teamwork tobacco yoga